What is Change Management?

Change management represents a domain of principles and practices that enable stakeholders of change to adopt the mindsets, behaviours and capabilities required for that change to deliver full business value. It focuses on people.

Learn more about Change Management in our Animations, our reference book ‘The Effective Change Manager’ (CMBoK™), or your pathway to Accreditation

The Change Practice Framework

To help bring together, the ever-changing operating context change managers work in and the four dimensions of change management, we have provided a new framework to use in the 2nd edition CMBoK™ reference book.

The Change Practice Framework’ illustrates the key practice dimensions, change outputs and relevant CMBoK knowledge areas most likely applied to a change initiative. At the centre of all change is people. It is why our profession exists. Change Managers continuously adapt and plan their activities throughout the change lifecycle as they focus on different practice dimensions and associated outputs. These practice dimensions are represented as Define, Analyse, Co-design and Align and Refine.

By its very nature, change is not linear in its execution, and change outputs and activities are continuously revisited throughout the change process. Underpinning all practice dimensions are three applied knowledge areas required of an effective change manager. These are change management context, organisational context, and human dynamics.

Change Management Institute, Change Practice Framework (Source: CMBoK 2nd edition)

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