Welcome to the Change Management Institute USA. If you’re ready to expand your thinking, enrich your network and improve your professional capabilities, then we invite you to join us today.
Join now, and we will keep you up-to-date with emerging trends here in the US and internationally. Member benefits include access to the latest Change Management thought leadership, virtual conversations and a range of career advancing opportunities. You will also receive invitations to keynote speakers, forums, online masterclasses and networking events aimed at inspiring excellence.
We are the country’s leading practitioners, sharing a desire to continually accelerate and enhance the capability and reputation of our profession. If you are ready to extend your networks, broaden your change knowledge and practices, know more about the profession or you have an interest in change, connect with us now and join us at one of our events. Come on board now, we’d love to meet you.
A bit more about us
The Change Management Institute USA is part of our global community of Change Professionals.
We are building a lively and interactive community for all professionals interested in Change Management. We are a natural home for you to develop your Change Management knowledge and capabilities and to be recognised for your skills.
If you are ready to extend your networks, broaden your change knowledge and practices, know more about the profession or you have an interest in change, connect with us now and join us at one of our events. Chapter events are designed to inspire and build your knowledge and skills through the sharing of local and international knowledge and best-practices. Find out more about our events here.
Local Chapters
Looking for a group nearer to home? Connect locally to extend your network of like-minded professionals working nearby. Attend speaker events, seminars, and workshops designed to build your change capability. Check out your local chapter for more information.
USA Chapter Committee
Melissa Sims – USA Country Lead
Hilda Schaefer, Edward Wallace, Amanda Smith
How to connect and follow this country group
Join the conversation!
USA LinkedIn Group
Global LinkedIn Group
[email protected]
We’d love to welcome you as a member.