Social media vs Corporate Reality for Change Management

Luke Harrap, a Business Change Manager and member of the Change Management Institute, highlights how businesses can take a page from the social media playbook to boost employee engagement and streamline change leadership.

In today’s digital world, the boundary between social media influence and corporate communication is fading fast. Whether it’s the engaging posts of Instagram influencers or the strategic shifts in business environments, both worlds rely on influence, visual communication, and feedback to drive engagement and change.


Instagram influencers have mastered the art of building communities and driving trends. Businesses can take a page from their playbook by empowering internal “influencers” to lead and spread new initiatives. These could be individuals within the company who naturally engage and influence their peers, much like a social media star captures attention online.

Snappy Comms

On platforms like Instagram, a single image or video often communicates more effectively than long paragraphs. Businesses can apply this approach by utilising more visual aids such as infographics and engaging videos in their communication, moving away from dense, text-heavy documents. Simplicity in messaging is key.

Hashtag Engage

Hashtags organise conversations, making content discoverable. Corporate change initiatives can use a similar method by categorising communications with thematic labels, improving engagement and tracking progress across departments.

Love, Like, Match

Instant feedback on social media is crucial for knowing what resonates with audiences. Businesses should think about creating quick, intuitive ways for employees to provide feedback on internal communications and ideas. This could streamline engagement and decision-making.


Leaderboards, badges, and challenges on social media tap into people’s desire for achievement. Companies can apply gamification to their change management strategies, making mundane tasks more engaging and boosting morale through competition.

Community Building

Just as social media fosters communities around shared interests, organisations can encourage internal collaboration by supporting groups formed around common projects or passions. This approach builds stronger bonds and enhances teamwork.

Data is King

Social media platforms thrive on data analytics, refining user experiences based on every click. Businesses can leverage data similarly to make informed decisions, gauge employee engagement, and optimise internal processes.

Trolling Risks

While social media techniques are beneficial, businesses must remain aware of the risks, like negative feedback and backlash. Being prepared to manage these risks is just as important as embracing the positive strategies.

In short, businesses can learn a lot from social media’s tactics—whether through visual storytelling, fostering internal influencers, or gamifying processes. The same elements that make us scroll endlessly through Instagram could revolutionise how change is communicated and adopted in the corporate world.

Luke Harrap MCMI ChMC is a Principal Business Change Consultant at AtkinsRèalis with nearly two decades of experience in people-focused roles. A passionate advocate for creative communication, Luke believes in the power of innovative engagement, recognising that effective communication in business change is just as crucial as in advertising or sales.

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